Spokane Republican Party Officers

The team that leads the Spokane County Republican Party

Spokane County Republican Party Leadership


Chair -Rob Linebarger
email: chair@spokanegop.com
Call: 509.838.6162 x807

Executive Assistant to the Chair- Debbie Smith
email: chair-assistant@spokanegop.com
Call: 509.838.6162 x824

Vice Chair -Carolyn Hall
email: vchair@spokanegop.com
Call: 509.838.6162 x801

State Committeewoman
Kellie Rizzi
email: statecommitteewoman@spokanegop.com
Call: 509.838.6162 x808

 Image of Dale Whitaker
State Committeeman
Dale Whitaker
email: statecommitteeman@spokanegop.com
Call: 509.838.6162 x809

Secretary - John Scherling
email: secretary@spokanegop.com
Call: 509.838.6162 x802

Treasurer - Richard Jones
email: treasurer@spokanegop.com
Call: 509.838.6162 x804

District Officers